Dirtfolk Farm

Who is Dirtfolk

Dirtfolk is the lifelong realized dream of a wannabe farmer, nature lover, and food access advocate named Anna. She first grew food as a child, in a small, suburban, backyard garden in Southern Oregon - and it felt like magic. She has been chasing the opportunity to grow food since that moment, from small containers on an apartment balcony or large gardens that fed her family and friends. When the opportunity arose to scale up and do something big - she jumped in.

Dirtfolk Farm is managed and operated by Anna and is supported by volunteers on a work-share agreement.

The Vision

Dirtfolk Farm’s vision is beyond simply growing local food. It honors the connection we share to the land, our community, ourselves, and collective liberation from oppressive systems.


We utilize growing practices and grow food that respect the land we tend to, including implementing regenerative practices for soil health, using adapted seed varieties when available, no-till and mulching practices to reduce water usage, and growing cover crops when fields aren’t growing foods.

We honor the land by gathering to learn from the cycles of nature and to appreciate the bounty it provides to us.


Dirtfolk Farm recognizes that without the support from our community, we wouldn’t be able to fulfill our vision. This is why we offer sliding scale pricing when we can, plan to offer “solidarity shares” of produce at no cost, host gatherings & educational events, and feel immense gratitude to all who help us!

We honor the people that sustain, encourage, and participate in our programs by sharing openly and in solidary.

Healing & Growth

Being attuned to the ebbs and flows of the seasons reminds us of the natural state of our place on Earth. Nature teaches us how to coexist with one another without competition, how rot and decay can lead to fertility, their resiliency, and only taking what’s needed for their survival - nothing more.

We honor the wisdom that plants provide to promote interpersonal growth and healing.


Food is a right. Food is something we all need, should have free and ample access to, and be available locally. Dirtfolk Farm commits to increasing healthy, local food in the Illinois Valley - for all who seek it.

We reject the oppressive and exploitive nature of profit-driven corporate food systems in favor of community-supported, local food cultivation.