Dirtfolk Farm

Current Status

Dirtfolk Farm is in our first year of production! 2025 is a year of building - community, infrastructure, and operations. We have big goals for the next 5 years.

Being a first generation farm and acutely aware of “not knowing what we don’t know”, we want to make sure our foundation is solid, our plans are thoughtful, supported, and sustainable. Here are a list of future goals and plans over the next few years:



  • Improve water infrastructure.
  • Add 2-4 additional raised beds in greenhouse garden.
  • Replace deer fencing around greenhouse garden.
  • Test soil in growing field.
  • Improve growing field - amend soil with compost, prep growing area, install mounded beds & fencing.
  • Construct field toolshed.
  • Establish wash/pack area.
  • Replace aging greehouse plastic.


  • Establish work-trade program (1-2 participants)
  • Sell surplus produce at CJ Farmer’s Market
  • (Stretch goal!) Plant fall crops in growing field, if prepared.